Selected publications:
Kontext, Prozess, Zukunft: Das Berliner Gemeinschaftsgarten-Programm
Book chapter in: Unterwegs in die Stadt der Zukunft Urbane Gärten als Orte der Transformation,
transcipt, 2024, Author: Carolin Mees, Undine Giseke and Toni Karge
Powerhouse Art Space in New York
Bauwelt 24.23: Industrieruinen revitalisieren. 2023 - Author: Carolin Mees
Für immer Plastik
Bauwelt 11.23: Labor Venedig, 2023 - Author: Carolin Mees
Urban Open Space + Strategies inbetween Architecture and Open Space Planning / Strategien zwischen Architekur und Freiraumplanung
Jovis Publishers Berlin, 2021, Editor: Carolin Mees
Neighborhood Resistance and Participatory Design: Toward a Human Right to Garden / Nachbarschaftlicher Widerstand und partizipative Gestaltung: für ein Menschenrecht auf Garten
Jovis Publishers Berlin, 2021, Editor: Carolin Mees - Author: Carolin Mees and Anne Bellows
More Shared Urban Open Spaces. Resiliency on Demand.
Agriculture and Human Values Journal, Volume 37, Issue 3, 2020- Author: Carolin Mees
Participatory design and self-building in shared urban open spaces: Community Gardens and Casitas in New York City
Book (monograph), Urban Agriculture Book Series, Springer, Spring 2018 - Author: Carolin Mees
Book (monograph), Urban Agriculture Book Series, Springer, Spring 2018 - Author: Carolin Mees
US Pavillion in Venedig: Ein zeitgemäßes Konzept von Staatsbürgerschaft
Bauwelt 10.18: Biennale, 2018 - Author: Carolin Mees
Bauwelt 10.18: Biennale, 2018 - Author: Carolin Mees
Participatory planning, design and self-built structures for public urban gardens: Community gardens and Casitas in the South Bronx
Proceedings of the Sustainable Built Environments Conference, peer reviewed, September 2016 - Author: Carolin Mees
Proceedings of the Sustainable Built Environments Conference, peer reviewed, September 2016 - Author: Carolin Mees
Writing on Architecture and the City. George Baird.
Book Review, Architects Newspaper, November 2015 - Author: Carolin Mees
Book Review, Architects Newspaper, November 2015 - Author: Carolin Mees
Rebuilt Rubble - Community Gardens in the South Bronx from 1970s to the 21st century: Common land use in the inner city from a socioeconomic open space planning perspective
PhD/ Dr. Ing. thesis, Berlin University of Arts, Faculty of Architecture, 2015 - Author: Carolin Mees
PhD/ Dr. Ing. thesis, Berlin University of Arts, Faculty of Architecture, 2015 - Author: Carolin Mees
A Case Study: Advancing Public Health through Gardens for Healthy Communities in New York City: The Role of Anti-obesity Objectives in Urban Agriculture Policy
Book contribution, "Sowing Seeds in the City", 2015 - Authors: Yolanda Gonzalez, Matthew Potteiger, Anne Bellows, Evan Weissman, Carolin Mees
Book contribution, "Sowing Seeds in the City", 2015 - Authors: Yolanda Gonzalez, Matthew Potteiger, Anne Bellows, Evan Weissman, Carolin Mees
Urbane Landwirtschaft
Bauwelt 39.12: Urbane Landwirtschaft, 2012 - Editors: Nils Ballhausen, Carolin Mees
Bauwelt 39.12: Urbane Landwirtschaft, 2012 - Editors: Nils Ballhausen, Carolin Mees
Zwischen Hobby und Stadtplanung: Urbane Landwirtschaft
Bauwelt 39.12: Urbane Landwirtschaft, 2012 - Author: Carolin Mees
Bauwelt 39.12: Urbane Landwirtschaft, 2012 - Author: Carolin Mees
Community Gardening Works! ACGA 2011 Conference
Cities and the Environment (CATE), Volume 5, Issue 1, 2012 - Editors: Nancy Falxa-Raymond, Carolin Mees
Cities and the Environment (CATE), Volume 5, Issue 1, 2012 - Editors: Nancy Falxa-Raymond, Carolin Mees
Zoned out: The Potential of Urban Agriculture Planning to turn against its roots.
Cities and the Environment online Journal (CATE), peer reviewed, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2012 - Authors: Carolin Mees, Edie Stone
Cities and the Environment online Journal (CATE), peer reviewed, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2012 - Authors: Carolin Mees, Edie Stone
Introducing a Longitudinal Study of Community Gardeners and Gardens in New York CIty.
Cities and the Environment online Journal (CATE), peer reviewed, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2012 - Authors: Erika S. Svendsen, Lindsay K.Campbell, Nancy Falxa-Raymond, Jessica Northridge, Edie Stone, Carolin Mees
Cities and the Environment online Journal (CATE), peer reviewed, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2012 - Authors: Erika S. Svendsen, Lindsay K.Campbell, Nancy Falxa-Raymond, Jessica Northridge, Edie Stone, Carolin Mees
Food, homes and gardens: public community gardens potential for contributing to a more sustainable city
Book contribution, "Sustainable food planning: evolving theory and practice", 2012 - Authors: Carolin Mees, Edie Stone
Shigeru Ban in West Chelsea
Bauwelt 03.12: Zusammen und getrennt, 2012 - Author: Carolin Mees
Architekturfakultät der Cornell-Universität in Ithaca: Architekturlehre im Schaufenster.
Bauwelt 39-40.11: Gebaute Landschaft, 2011 - Author: Carolin Mees
Guerilla Gardening und andere politische Gartenbewegungen. Eine globale Perspektive.
Book contribution, "Urban Gardening: Über die Rückkehr der Gärten in die Stadt", 2011 - Authors: Ella von der Haide, Severin Halder, Julia Jahnke, Carolin Mees
A public garden per resident? The socio-economic context of homes and gardens in the inner city
ISHS Acta Horticulturae 881, 2010, peer reviewed - Author: Carolin Mees
Städtisches Land gemeinschaftlich genutzt. Bürgerparks und Nachbarschaftsgärten in Berlin
Stadt und Grün, 2010/3 - Author: Carolin Mees
Module urbaner Landwirtschaft
Stadt und Grün, 2010/9 - Author: Carolin Mees
Urban Agriculture. Nahrungsmittelproduktion und Stadt
Arch+ 196/197: Post-Oil City, 2010 - Author: Carolin Mees
Community Gardens in New York City: Privat-gemeinschaftlich genutzte öffentliche Gärten für innerstädtischen Wohnraum im Freien
Book Contribution, "KUNST - GARTEN - KULTUR", 2010 - Author: Carolin Mees
Orchids in Politics: The Untermyer Park in Yonkers, NY.
Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes, peer reviewed, Volume No. 29.3, 2009 - Author: Carolin Mees
Preserving community gardens in NYC: Strategy in public space development.
Proceedings of the conference „Landscape – Great Idea!“ X-LArch III, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. April 29th - May 1st, 2009. - Authors: Carolin Mees, Edie Stone
Urban Gardens and Poverty: An Analysis on the example of the Community Gardens in the South Bronx of New York City
ISHS Acta Horticulturae, 762, 2008, peer reviewed - Author: Carolin Mees
Stadterneuerung in Shibam, Shibam / Jemen
Bauwelt, 01.10.07 - Author: Carolin Mees
Haus auf Tinos, Pantelis Nicolacopoulos - Aus dem Material der Insel
Bauwelt, 07.09.07 - Author: Carolin Mees
Hotel Russland
Bauwelt, 31.08.07 - Author: Carolin Mees
Kita in Berlin-Oberschöneweide
Bauwelt, 17.08.07 - Author: Carolin Mees
BauNetzWoche#55 - Das Querformat für Architekten
Baunetz, 16.11.07 - Author: Carolin Mees
Book contribution, "Sustainable food planning: evolving theory and practice", 2012 - Authors: Carolin Mees, Edie Stone
Shigeru Ban in West Chelsea
Bauwelt 03.12: Zusammen und getrennt, 2012 - Author: Carolin Mees
Architekturfakultät der Cornell-Universität in Ithaca: Architekturlehre im Schaufenster.
Bauwelt 39-40.11: Gebaute Landschaft, 2011 - Author: Carolin Mees
Guerilla Gardening und andere politische Gartenbewegungen. Eine globale Perspektive.
Book contribution, "Urban Gardening: Über die Rückkehr der Gärten in die Stadt", 2011 - Authors: Ella von der Haide, Severin Halder, Julia Jahnke, Carolin Mees
A public garden per resident? The socio-economic context of homes and gardens in the inner city
ISHS Acta Horticulturae 881, 2010, peer reviewed - Author: Carolin Mees
Städtisches Land gemeinschaftlich genutzt. Bürgerparks und Nachbarschaftsgärten in Berlin
Stadt und Grün, 2010/3 - Author: Carolin Mees
Module urbaner Landwirtschaft
Stadt und Grün, 2010/9 - Author: Carolin Mees
Urban Agriculture. Nahrungsmittelproduktion und Stadt
Arch+ 196/197: Post-Oil City, 2010 - Author: Carolin Mees
Community Gardens in New York City: Privat-gemeinschaftlich genutzte öffentliche Gärten für innerstädtischen Wohnraum im Freien
Book Contribution, "KUNST - GARTEN - KULTUR", 2010 - Author: Carolin Mees
Orchids in Politics: The Untermyer Park in Yonkers, NY.
Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes, peer reviewed, Volume No. 29.3, 2009 - Author: Carolin Mees
Preserving community gardens in NYC: Strategy in public space development.
Proceedings of the conference „Landscape – Great Idea!“ X-LArch III, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. April 29th - May 1st, 2009. - Authors: Carolin Mees, Edie Stone
Urban Gardens and Poverty: An Analysis on the example of the Community Gardens in the South Bronx of New York City
ISHS Acta Horticulturae, 762, 2008, peer reviewed - Author: Carolin Mees
Stadterneuerung in Shibam, Shibam / Jemen
Bauwelt, 01.10.07 - Author: Carolin Mees
Haus auf Tinos, Pantelis Nicolacopoulos - Aus dem Material der Insel
Bauwelt, 07.09.07 - Author: Carolin Mees
Hotel Russland
Bauwelt, 31.08.07 - Author: Carolin Mees
Kita in Berlin-Oberschöneweide
Bauwelt, 17.08.07 - Author: Carolin Mees
BauNetzWoche#55 - Das Querformat für Architekten
Baunetz, 16.11.07 - Author: Carolin Mees